5 results found
A Los Angeles County recreational program created stronger ties within communities, improved relations between the community and law enforcement officers, and decreased crime, according to a report by the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research.
A Los Angeles County recreational program created stronger ties within communities, improved relations between the community and law enforcement officers, and decreased crime, according to a report by the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research.
New, easy-to-read, one-page fact sheets from the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research answer some of the most pressing questions about child and teenage health.
New, easy-to-read, one-page fact sheets from the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research answer some of the most pressing questions about child and teenage health.
Los Angeles - Los Angeles County legislative districts have the highest rate of uninsured residents age 0-64, according to new legislative data released today from the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research.
Los Angeles - Los Angeles County legislative districts have the highest rate of uninsured residents age 0-64, according to new legislative data released today from the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research.