Authors pooled enrollment and claims data from enrollees of the California Whole Person Care (WPC) Program to develop easy-to-use and validated predictive models to identify beneficiaries experiencing homelessness from administrative data.
Authors pooled enrollment and claims data from enrollees of the California Whole Person Care (WPC) Program to develop easy-to-use and validated predictive models to identify beneficiaries experiencing homelessness from administrative data.
UCLA CHPR's Health Economics and Evaluation Research (HEER) team was selected to evaluate the California Department of Health Care Services' Whole Person Care (WPC) Program for high-risk, high-utilizing enrollees who had a complex profile, with multiple service needs. This report highlights findings from the final evaluation of WPC.
UCLA CHPR's Health Economics and Evaluation Research (HEER) team was selected to evaluate the California Department of Health Care Services' Whole Person Care (WPC) Program for high-risk, high-utilizing enrollees who had a complex profile, with multiple service needs. This report highlights findings from the final evaluation of WPC.
California implemented the Whole Person Care (WPC) Pilot program under “Medi-Cal 2020,” a Section 1115 Medicaid Waiver program designed to coordinate the care of high-utilizing Medi-Cal beneficiaries across medical, behavioral health, and social service sectors.
California implemented the Whole Person Care (WPC) Pilot program under “Medi-Cal 2020,” a Section 1115 Medicaid Waiver program designed to coordinate the care of high-utilizing Medi-Cal beneficiaries across medical, behavioral health, and social service sectors.
The Whole Person Care (WPC) Pilot program implemented under California’s Section 1115 Medicaid Waiver, “Medi-Cal 2020,” coordinates medical, behavioral, and social services to improve the health and well-being of Medi-Cal beneficiaries with complex needs. In this policy brief, authors analyze data from the interim statewide evaluation of WPC to present a snapshot of the 25 participating pilots, based on key implementation strategies and enrollee characteristics.
The Whole Person Care (WPC) Pilot program implemented under California’s Section 1115 Medicaid Waiver, “Medi-Cal 2020,” coordinates medical, behavioral, and social services to improve the health and well-being of Medi-Cal beneficiaries with complex needs. In this policy brief, authors analyze data from the interim statewide evaluation of WPC to present a snapshot of the 25 participating pilots, based on key implementation strategies and enrollee characteristics.
In April 2020, authors asked Whole Person Care (WPC) pilots previously evaluated in “Integrating Health and Human Services In California’s Whole Person Care Medicaid 1115 Waiver Demonstration” to describe whether and how they used WPC partnerships and infrastructure to respond to COVID-19 and whether the COVID-19 pandemic affected WPC implementation.
In April 2020, authors asked Whole Person Care (WPC) pilots previously evaluated in “Integrating Health and Human Services In California’s Whole Person Care Medicaid 1115 Waiver Demonstration” to describe whether and how they used WPC partnerships and infrastructure to respond to COVID-19 and whether the COVID-19 pandemic affected WPC implementation.
The California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) implemented a Section 1115 Medicaid Waiver called “Medi-Cal 2020,” which started on January 1, 2016, and is scheduled to end on December 31, 2020. Under this Waiver, DHCS implemented Whole Person Care (WPC) for high-risk, high-utilizing enrollees who have a complex profile and are high need. A total of 25 Pilots (27 Lead Entities), representing the majority of counties in California, implemented WPC starting in January 2017.
The California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) implemented a Section 1115 Medicaid Waiver called “Medi-Cal 2020,” which started on January 1, 2016, and is scheduled to end on December 31, 2020. Under this Waiver, DHCS implemented Whole Person Care (WPC) for high-risk, high-utilizing enrollees who have a complex profile and are high need. A total of 25 Pilots (27 Lead Entities), representing the majority of counties in California, implemented WPC starting in January 2017.