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Journal Article

Researchers identify collaboration strategies used to integrate health, behavioral health, and social services for Medicaid members in California's Medi-Cal Whole Person Care Pilot program (WPC). Data were collected as part of the statewide evaluation of WPC. Authors analyzed qualitative data to examine strategies used by pilots to integrate care, network data to identify pilots that improved cross-sector collaboration (i.e., strengthened density or multiplexity of cross-sector ties) following WPC implementation, and comparative case analysis to identify strategies that differentiated pilots that improved collaboration from those that did not.

Journal Article

Researchers identify collaboration strategies used to integrate health, behavioral health, and social services for Medicaid members in California's Medi-Cal Whole Person Care Pilot program (WPC). Data were collected as part of the statewide evaluation of WPC. Authors analyzed qualitative data to examine strategies used by pilots to integrate care, network data to identify pilots that improved cross-sector collaboration (i.e., strengthened density or multiplexity of cross-sector ties) following WPC implementation, and comparative case analysis to identify strategies that differentiated pilots that improved collaboration from those that did not.

Journal Article
Authors sought to assess the program's contributions to geriatric and gerontology education by examining the scientific productivity of 294 Resource Centers for Minority Aging Research (RCMAR) scientists who received pilot funding from the program during the last complete grant cycle, 2018 to 2023.
Journal Article
Authors sought to assess the program's contributions to geriatric and gerontology education by examining the scientific productivity of 294 Resource Centers for Minority Aging Research (RCMAR) scientists who received pilot funding from the program during the last complete grant cycle, 2018 to 2023.
Policy Research Report
In this report, the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research provides information from their evaluation of the 2023 Parks After Dark (PAD) program in Los Angeles County. PAD is a Los Angeles County initiative led by the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) in partnership with other County departments and community-based organizations.
Policy Research Report
In this report, the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research provides information from their evaluation of the 2023 Parks After Dark (PAD) program in Los Angeles County. PAD is a Los Angeles County initiative led by the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) in partnership with other County departments and community-based organizations.
Policy Brief
In this infographic brief, the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research summarizes information from their evaluation of the 2022 Parks After Dark (PAD) program in Los Angeles County. PAD is a county initiative led by the Department of Parks and Recreation in partnership with other county departments and community-based organizations.
Policy Brief
In this infographic brief, the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research summarizes information from their evaluation of the 2022 Parks After Dark (PAD) program in Los Angeles County. PAD is a county initiative led by the Department of Parks and Recreation in partnership with other county departments and community-based organizations.
Policy Research Report
UCLA CHPR provides analysis and findings from their evaluation of the Housing for a Healthy California (HHC) program. HHC was implemented by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) under the statutory authority of California Assembly Bill (AB) 74.
Policy Research Report
UCLA CHPR provides analysis and findings from their evaluation of the Housing for a Healthy California (HHC) program. HHC was implemented by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) under the statutory authority of California Assembly Bill (AB) 74.
Journal Article
Authors analyze health care utilization of complex Medicaid managed care beneficiaries whose primary care providers (PCPs) were Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)-funded health centers (HCs) versus three other groups: clinics not funded by HRSA, solo, and group practice providers.
Journal Article
Authors analyze health care utilization of complex Medicaid managed care beneficiaries whose primary care providers (PCPs) were Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)-funded health centers (HCs) versus three other groups: clinics not funded by HRSA, solo, and group practice providers.
Policy Research Report
In this report, the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research provides information from their comprehensive evaluation of the 2022 Parks After Dark (PAD) program, a Los Angeles County initiative that was implemented in areas with high levels of violence, obesity, and economic hardship.
Policy Research Report
In this report, the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research provides information from their comprehensive evaluation of the 2022 Parks After Dark (PAD) program, a Los Angeles County initiative that was implemented in areas with high levels of violence, obesity, and economic hardship.
Research Report
UCLA CHPR's Health Economics and Evaluation Research team was selected to conduct the evaluation of California's Health Homes Program (HHP), which was implemented to serve eligible Medi-Cal beneficiaries with complex needs and chronic conditions. Authors share findings in this final evaluation report.
Research Report
UCLA CHPR's Health Economics and Evaluation Research team was selected to conduct the evaluation of California's Health Homes Program (HHP), which was implemented to serve eligible Medi-Cal beneficiaries with complex needs and chronic conditions. Authors share findings in this final evaluation report.
Journal Article
Authors sought to examine specific care-seeking behaviors and experiences, access indicators, and patient care management approaches associated with frequency of emergency department (ED) visits among patients of Health Resources and Services Administration-funded health centers that provide comprehensive primary care to low-income and uninsured patients.
Journal Article
Authors sought to examine specific care-seeking behaviors and experiences, access indicators, and patient care management approaches associated with frequency of emergency department (ED) visits among patients of Health Resources and Services Administration-funded health centers that provide comprehensive primary care to low-income and uninsured patients.
Research Report
UCLA CHPR's Health Economics and Evaluation Research (HEER) team was selected to evaluate the California Department of Health Care Services' Whole Person Care (WPC) Program for high-risk, high-utilizing enrollees who had a complex profile, with multiple service needs. This report highlights findings from the final evaluation of WPC.
Research Report
UCLA CHPR's Health Economics and Evaluation Research (HEER) team was selected to evaluate the California Department of Health Care Services' Whole Person Care (WPC) Program for high-risk, high-utilizing enrollees who had a complex profile, with multiple service needs. This report highlights findings from the final evaluation of WPC.