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Merced Sun-Star

Opinion and Commentary: To improve public health, the entanglement between local sheriffs and ICE agents must end

But studies show that, for immigrant families, the presence of policing, arrests and deportations in their communities does not go hand-in-hand with good physical or mental health. It is destructive to their well-being.

Maria-Elena Young
Daily Beast

Can Math Models Predict—and Prevent—the Next Suicide?

Most epidemiological models have been restricted to infectious diseases, forecasting the spread of illnesses like malaria and COVID. But some researchers believe that it’s time to apply these tools to mental health services too. These scientists aim to create models to predict where issues like severe depression and suicide are most likely to crop up—and which interventions are most effective. By doing this, they hope to correct some of the mental health funding disparity.

Mental Health Program
Daniel Eisenberg
Health Central

Which Diseases Bring Higher Risk to Communities of Color?

“If I’m a lucky American who has employer-based healthcare, and I go to a doctor who every year says, ‘OK, here’s what's on the list of things you need to know and that we need to check on,’ I’m going to have a much better chance of doing the preventive measures, or identifying a risk factor, or treating it early and avoiding worse outcomes,” says Kathryn Kietzman, Ph.D., director of the Health Equity Program at the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, in Los Angeles. “But, if someone without healthcare has something like hepatitis B or hypertension, which can go undetected for years, they

Health Equity Program
Kathryn G. Kietzman
San Diego Union-Tribune

Opinion: San Diego County’s Mobile Crisis Response Teams are a success. Here’s how they work.

Data from the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and 2020 California Health Interview Survey indicate substance misuse and mental health challenges continue to rise, with 1 in 7 San Diegans ages 12 years and older reporting drug use or serious psychological distress in 2020, highlighting the need for broader, more normalized behavioral health care.

California Health Interview Survey (CHIS), Mental Health Program

New California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) COVID-19 Estimates Show Unvaccinated Adults Least Likely to Wear a Mask, Engage in Risk Reduction Behaviors

“As COVID-19 began spreading across the state in spring 2020, the California Health Interview Survey jumped into action, collecting critical data on Californians’ experiences with COVID-19, including positivity rates, views on vaccine, personal and financial impacts of the pandemic, and conflict during stay-at-home orders,” says Todd Hughes, CHIS director. “Two years later, we are continuing to add new COVID question to CHIS to provide decisionmakers with the data needed to help their communities.”

Todd Hughes
University Times

Avoiding sickness as a immigrant

My family was just one of many who did not have secure healthcare. In the 2018 California Health Interview Survey, approximately 10% of residents within the city of Rosemead reported not having health insurance.

California Health Interview Survey (CHIS)
KNX 1070

Gerald Kominski on Congressional spending bill’s effect on enhanced subsidies for Covered California policyholders

Enhanced premiums, which were set to run out this year, will be retained under Congress' spending bill, benefitting Covered California policyholders, said Gerald Kominski.

Health Insurance Program
Gerald F. Kominski
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

ACA 2023: Time is running out to extend premium subsidies

But a bonus premium subsidy that went into effect last year and makes health insurance affordable for many will expire at the end of the year — and time is running out for an extension. In Pennsylvania, 40,000 people would lose all of their subsidies and another 230,000 would see their subsidies pared back, according to the HHS analysis. “It’s going to be a bad thing and a huge step backward,” Gerald Kominski, senior fellow at the University of California, Los Angeles Center for Health Policy Research, said about the prospect of premium subsidy cut. “It’s going in the wrong direction, and it’s

Health Insurance Program
Gerald F. Kominski
The Coast News

Elderly residents brace for worst if retirement plans fall short

According to the University of California, Los Angles Center for Health Policy Research Elder Index, the basic cost of living for someone over 65 (in San Diego) is $2,531 per month — about $30,000 per year for a single adult. However, that was in 2019.

Elder Index
USA Today

Disastrous consequences': Anti-abortion laws could make undocumented women more vulnerable

Arturo Vargas Bustamante, a senior fellow at the University of California, Los Angeles’ Center for Health Policy Research, said ensuring undocumented women have access to telehealth services and are able to obtain abortion pills at a low cost could be a solution. But he said health organizations will need to work hard to win the trust of these women, who might fear their information will land in the hands of law enforcement and be used to deport them. "We need to use trusting voices in the community to make undocumented women trust that potential of telehealth services," said Vargas Bustamante

Arturo Vargas Bustamante