
Published Date: December 23, 2022

Summary: Evidence indicates presence of immigrant health disparities in the European Union (EU) and the United States (U.S.). Authors examined the association between immigrant health policies and the gap in health status, unmet needs, and service use between immigrants and citizens in the EU and U.S.

Researchers used the Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX), European Health Interview Survey, and National Health Interview Survey for 2014. Their independent variables of interest were MIPEX Health strand score and citizenship. Their dependent variables were four measures of health status (self-reported poor health; severely limited in general activities; two or more comorbidities; one or more ambulatory care sensitive conditions) and four measures of health access and utilization (unmet need due to nonfinancial reasons; could not afford needed health care; one or more primary care visits last year; any hospitalization last year).

Findings: Authors found that immigrant-friendly health policies were significantly associated with better health and less unmet need due to nonfinancial reasons. Findings supported the promotion of immigrant-friendly and a "Health-in-All Policies" (HiAP) approach to preserve the health of immigrants.

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