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Journal Article
Despite the availability of evidence-based therapeutics and supports, informal primary care partners of older adults are using cannabis as an unproven, potentially harmful, alternative for reducing physical burden and psychological distress. Using the 2019 CHIS, authors identified 2,278 respondents over 50 years old who indicated providing care to someone also over 50 in 2024
Journal Article
Despite the availability of evidence-based therapeutics and supports, informal primary care partners of older adults are using cannabis as an unproven, potentially harmful, alternative for reducing physical burden and psychological distress. Using the 2019 CHIS, authors identified 2,278 respondents over 50 years old who indicated providing care to someone also over 50 in 2024
Journal Article
This study examined favorability for air pollution mitigation policies, interventions, and identified predictors amongst residents in the the San Joaquin Valley. Authors used an online survey asked about health status and conditions, self-protective behaviors, attitudes toward air pollution recommendations, air quality information knowledge and mitigation behaviors, as well as whether their views were favorable or unfavorable towards policy and interventions.
Journal Article
This study examined favorability for air pollution mitigation policies, interventions, and identified predictors amongst residents in the the San Joaquin Valley. Authors used an online survey asked about health status and conditions, self-protective behaviors, attitudes toward air pollution recommendations, air quality information knowledge and mitigation behaviors, as well as whether their views were favorable or unfavorable towards policy and interventions.
Journal Article
Researchers study 154 overweight/obese Mexican Americans recruited for a 12-week Spanish-language lifestyle intervention that included a dietary counseling session, weight-loss resources, and thrice-weekly text messages.
Journal Article
Researchers study 154 overweight/obese Mexican Americans recruited for a 12-week Spanish-language lifestyle intervention that included a dietary counseling session, weight-loss resources, and thrice-weekly text messages.
Journal Article

Researchers identify collaboration strategies used to integrate health, behavioral health, and social services for Medicaid members in California's Medi-Cal Whole Person Care Pilot program (WPC). Data were collected as part of the statewide evaluation of WPC. Authors analyzed qualitative data to examine strategies used by pilots to integrate care, network data to identify pilots that improved cross-sector collaboration (i.e., strengthened density or multiplexity of cross-sector ties) following WPC implementation, and comparative case analysis to identify strategies that differentiated pilots that improved collaboration from those that did not.

Journal Article

Researchers identify collaboration strategies used to integrate health, behavioral health, and social services for Medicaid members in California's Medi-Cal Whole Person Care Pilot program (WPC). Data were collected as part of the statewide evaluation of WPC. Authors analyzed qualitative data to examine strategies used by pilots to integrate care, network data to identify pilots that improved cross-sector collaboration (i.e., strengthened density or multiplexity of cross-sector ties) following WPC implementation, and comparative case analysis to identify strategies that differentiated pilots that improved collaboration from those that did not.

Journal Article
This study aimed to estimate the medication adherence level among those with metabolic syndrome and explore the reasons for poor adherence to medication. Interview guidelines by the UCLA CHPR’s Health DATA Program were used for analysis.
Journal Article
This study aimed to estimate the medication adherence level among those with metabolic syndrome and explore the reasons for poor adherence to medication. Interview guidelines by the UCLA CHPR’s Health DATA Program were used for analysis.
Journal Article
This study examines the relationship between (1) caregiving status and loneliness among older adults; (2) sociodemographic, technology, health, and caregiving characteristics and loneliness among older caregivers; and (3) compared how these variables relate to loneliness among older caregivers of persons with dementia versus non-dementia conditions.
Journal Article
This study examines the relationship between (1) caregiving status and loneliness among older adults; (2) sociodemographic, technology, health, and caregiving characteristics and loneliness among older caregivers; and (3) compared how these variables relate to loneliness among older caregivers of persons with dementia versus non-dementia conditions.
Journal Article
This study aimed to examine whether changes in mental health services use under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) differed in Mental Health Professional Shortage Areas (MHPSAs) versus non-MHPSAs. Multiple waves of data from the California Health Interview Survey (2011–2018) were analyzed.
Journal Article
This study aimed to examine whether changes in mental health services use under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) differed in Mental Health Professional Shortage Areas (MHPSAs) versus non-MHPSAs. Multiple waves of data from the California Health Interview Survey (2011–2018) were analyzed.
Journal Article
The COVID-19 pandemic profoundly impacted population health, including mental health, in ways that were patterned unevenly by pre-existing systemic inequalities such as structural gendered racism and xenophobia. However, it remains unclear whether pandemic-related mental health deterioration has persisted over time. Authors conceptualize the pandemic as a prolonged macro-level disruptive event with unequal ramifications for different racialized groups and by immigration status.
Journal Article
The COVID-19 pandemic profoundly impacted population health, including mental health, in ways that were patterned unevenly by pre-existing systemic inequalities such as structural gendered racism and xenophobia. However, it remains unclear whether pandemic-related mental health deterioration has persisted over time. Authors conceptualize the pandemic as a prolonged macro-level disruptive event with unequal ramifications for different racialized groups and by immigration status.
Journal Article
This study included Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries aged 65–99 years treated with percutaneous microaxial ventricular assist devices (pVAD) for cardiogenic shock (CS) from 2016 to 2020 and examined the associations between patient outcomes and two exposure variables: hospitals’ procedure volumes of pVAD and patient-hospital distances.
Journal Article
This study included Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries aged 65–99 years treated with percutaneous microaxial ventricular assist devices (pVAD) for cardiogenic shock (CS) from 2016 to 2020 and examined the associations between patient outcomes and two exposure variables: hospitals’ procedure volumes of pVAD and patient-hospital distances.
Journal Article
Authors sought to assess the program's contributions to geriatric and gerontology education by examining the scientific productivity of 294 Resource Centers for Minority Aging Research (RCMAR) scientists who received pilot funding from the program during the last complete grant cycle, 2018 to 2023.
Journal Article
Authors sought to assess the program's contributions to geriatric and gerontology education by examining the scientific productivity of 294 Resource Centers for Minority Aging Research (RCMAR) scientists who received pilot funding from the program during the last complete grant cycle, 2018 to 2023.