
Published Date: December 07, 2020

​Summary: The California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) is the largest state health survey and one of the largest health surveys in the nation. Conducted by the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, CHIS interviews more than 20,000 households each year and collects health data on adults, teenagers, and children to construct a detailed picture of the health and health care needs of California's large and diverse population.

Legislators, policymakers, local health departments, state agencies, community organizations, advocacy groups, foundations, researchers, and many others use CHIS data to justify programs that fight health threats. Our mission is to democratize data by putting it into the hands of all Californians through accessible tools, publications, and trainings.

CHIS Making an Impact 2020 highlights our work in 2020 — from several COVID-19 dashboards that track COVID-19 and various risk factors across California counties, as well as preliminary estimates from new COVID-19 questions in CHIS 2020, to hundreds of publications, events, presentations, and news articles that cite CHIS to our exciting sampling and data collection redesign.

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