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Research Report
The 2024 California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) Making an Impact report shows our latest research and that of people who use our data — our funders, researchers, health departments, government agencies, journalists, nonprofit organizations, and community groups — who share a goal to make the people of California healthier and stronger.
Research Report
The 2024 California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) Making an Impact report shows our latest research and that of people who use our data — our funders, researchers, health departments, government agencies, journalists, nonprofit organizations, and community groups — who share a goal to make the people of California healthier and stronger.
Research Report
BCAG has prepared this document describing the technical methodology it will use in estimating greenhouse gas emissions from its 2024 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and (SCS) Sustainable Communities Strategy.
Research Report
BCAG has prepared this document describing the technical methodology it will use in estimating greenhouse gas emissions from its 2024 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and (SCS) Sustainable Communities Strategy.
Research Report
The countywide area plan for older adults identifies four goals for 2024–2028, keeping our strengths and challenges in mind. These goals are focused on enhancing the health, safety, and well-being of older adults in Alameda County. Estimates from the 2022 California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) on English proficiency are included.
Research Report
The countywide area plan for older adults identifies four goals for 2024–2028, keeping our strengths and challenges in mind. These goals are focused on enhancing the health, safety, and well-being of older adults in Alameda County. Estimates from the 2022 California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) on English proficiency are included.
Research Report
This report provides a baseline snapshot of the current state of the Redwood Region’s economy, key industries, labor force characteristics, climate resilience, and public health issues that impact communities’ well-being. The report includes data from the California Health Interview Survey on binge drinking, suicide ideation, smoking, food insecurity, mental health, and more.
Research Report
This report provides a baseline snapshot of the current state of the Redwood Region’s economy, key industries, labor force characteristics, climate resilience, and public health issues that impact communities’ well-being. The report includes data from the California Health Interview Survey on binge drinking, suicide ideation, smoking, food insecurity, mental health, and more.
Research Report
Approximately 665,000 LGBTQ adults live in Los Angeles County, making up nearly 9% of the county’s adult population. This report presents information about their experiences with discrimination and harassment in the areas of education, employment, housing, health care, public spaces, and law enforcement, as well as findings about their health and economic well-being.
Research Report
Approximately 665,000 LGBTQ adults live in Los Angeles County, making up nearly 9% of the county’s adult population. This report presents information about their experiences with discrimination and harassment in the areas of education, employment, housing, health care, public spaces, and law enforcement, as well as findings about their health and economic well-being.
Research Report
The Community Program Planning Process (CPPP) is a critical component of the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) because it utilizes community input to help shape Alameda County’s mental health planning. The three-month CPPP involves identifying community issues related to mental illness, analyzing mental health needs, and reassessing priorities and strategies to address those needs.
Research Report
The Community Program Planning Process (CPPP) is a critical component of the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) because it utilizes community input to help shape Alameda County’s mental health planning. The three-month CPPP involves identifying community issues related to mental illness, analyzing mental health needs, and reassessing priorities and strategies to address those needs.
Research Report

Researchers use multiple health measures and data sources to highlight the major trends and disparities in health outcomes across California. This report describes public health’s unique role in population health improvement, as well as the leading causes of mortality, premature death, and morbidity across the various life stages of Californians; as well as the shared risk and protective factors contributing to these health outcomes.

The life course perspective emphasized in this report illustrates the opportunity to address the unique disparities of health conditions within specific groups through prevention strategies that promote safe conditions for all Californians as they live, work, and grow. These public health priority approaches include: 

Research Report

Researchers use multiple health measures and data sources to highlight the major trends and disparities in health outcomes across California. This report describes public health’s unique role in population health improvement, as well as the leading causes of mortality, premature death, and morbidity across the various life stages of Californians; as well as the shared risk and protective factors contributing to these health outcomes.

The life course perspective emphasized in this report illustrates the opportunity to address the unique disparities of health conditions within specific groups through prevention strategies that promote safe conditions for all Californians as they live, work, and grow. These public health priority approaches include: 

Research Report
Historically, Asian American and Native Hawaiian communities have been viewed as a monolithic group, and a lack of disaggregated data has masked the unique experiences and disparities faced by these communities. Published jointly by AAPI Data and the UCLA CHPR, this report aims to spur a more nuanced conversation about mental health among AA and NHPI populations by connecting survey data with community experiences as influenced by cultural nuances, U.S. foreign policy, and intergenerational trauma.
Research Report
Historically, Asian American and Native Hawaiian communities have been viewed as a monolithic group, and a lack of disaggregated data has masked the unique experiences and disparities faced by these communities. Published jointly by AAPI Data and the UCLA CHPR, this report aims to spur a more nuanced conversation about mental health among AA and NHPI populations by connecting survey data with community experiences as influenced by cultural nuances, U.S. foreign policy, and intergenerational trauma.
Research Report
The Online California Adult Tobacco Survey (Online CATS) is an online survey that gathers data on tobacco use behavior and tobacco-related beliefs among California residents ages 18 to 64. This document highlights data from Online CATS 2023, specifically tobacco use, flavored tobacco use, tobacco cessation, attitudes on tobacco-related policy statements, and secondhand exposure.
Research Report
The Online California Adult Tobacco Survey (Online CATS) is an online survey that gathers data on tobacco use behavior and tobacco-related beliefs among California residents ages 18 to 64. This document highlights data from Online CATS 2023, specifically tobacco use, flavored tobacco use, tobacco cessation, attitudes on tobacco-related policy statements, and secondhand exposure.
Research Report
Authors propose a new, nationwide program of monthly cash payments that would automatically begin when economic indicators signal a recession and continue until the national unemployment rate begins to decrease. This policy would provide automatic, monthly payments to working-class families at the first sign of recession, staving off unemployment and stabilizing families and the American economy.
Research Report
Authors propose a new, nationwide program of monthly cash payments that would automatically begin when economic indicators signal a recession and continue until the national unemployment rate begins to decrease. This policy would provide automatic, monthly payments to working-class families at the first sign of recession, staving off unemployment and stabilizing families and the American economy.