
Published Date: June 04, 2024

The countywide area plan for older adults identifies four goals for 2024–2028, keeping our strengths and challenges in mind. These goals are focused on enhancing the health, safety, and well-being of older adults in Alameda County. Estimates from the 2022 California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) on English proficiency are included.

  1. Lead, support, and advocate for services that address the top concerns older adults have named. These include financial and food insecurity, housing and homelessness, mental health, emergency preparedness, safety, elder justice, dementia, and caregivers’ needs.
  2. Increase public awareness and accessibility to information, resources, and services through the expansion of the County’s Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) and the launching of new engagement efforts.
  3. Deliver more coordinated and effective aging services through new and improved partnerships with county departments, healthcare organizations, Age-Friendly cities, and the Age-Friendly Council.
  4. Advance community engagement for older adults, including social activities, volunteerism, and employment opportunities.