Published On: December 21, 2015
  • Informing legislation on health reform for the state's undocumented.
  • Assessing mental health needs of the state's schoolchildren. 
  • Guiding an OMB-led workgroup on LGBT survey methodology.
  • Providing data for research cited in numerous amicus briefs in support of same-sex marriage submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court.

The California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) in 2015 played a significant role in shaping health policies and guidelines of state and national importance.   Conducted by the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, CHIS surveys more than 20,000 California households each year on their health issues, status and behaviors ranging from access to care to chronic disease to soda consumption and exercise. Used by legislators, community advocates, academic researchers, media and others, CHIS data have proved an invaluable, free resource to help promote improvements in health for all populations ― including children, low-income families, racial and sexual minorities, and vulnerable elders ― in the state and beyond.   See CHIS Making An Impact − 2015.  

About the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research
The UCLA Center for Health Policy Research (CHPR) is one of the nation’s leading health policy research centers and the premier source of health policy information for California. UCLA CHPR improves the public’s health through high quality, objective, and evidence-based research and data that informs effective policymaking. UCLA CHPR is the home of the California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) and is part of the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health. For more information, visit