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LBC Funds Legal Help Against Wrongful Eviction

Housing issues are public health issues because of how they affect people's health and well-being," said Sean Tan, a senior public administration analyst at UCLA CHPR. "People struggling to pay for housing have been shown to cut back on health care and basic necessities, leading to overall poorer health.

California Health Interview Survey (CHIS)
Sean Tan
California Healthline

Listen: Immigrants Fear Gun Violence and Students Conduct COVID Outreach

A 2021 survey conducted by the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research found that nearly a quarter of immigrants reported feeling "very worried" about being a victim of gun violence, compared with roughly 13% of California adults.

Gun Violence and Gun Safety
Sean Tan
UCLA Newsroom

Immigrants living in California are less likely to have a gun at home, more likely to fear gun violence

“California has some of the toughest gun laws in the country,” said Sean Tan, a senior public administration analyst at the research center. “Yet our findings still suggest there is a need for improvements to our laws given continuing concerns over gun violence in the state.”

California Health Interview Survey (CHIS), Gun Violence and Gun Safety
Sean Tan, Ninez A. Ponce
UCLA Newsroom

Barriers keep NHPI and LGBTQ smokers from breathing free

Two groups that have high rates of smoking and vaping — the Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander community and the LGBTQ community ­— have specific hurdles that prevent them from quitting: the cost of cessation therapies and a lack of culturally specific care, according to a pair of reports from the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research. “Examining the smoking behaviors of specific communities is essential to understanding their unique needs,” said Sean Tan, a senior public administration analyst at the center and lead author of both reports. “We found that many NHPI and LGBTQ smokers who

California Health Interview Survey (CHIS)
Sean Tan