Jessica Ventura is a graduate student researcher at the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research (CHPR). She supports the NIH-funded study on the health of Latino youth — a research study that examines their access to and utilization of health services, with emphasis on mixed-status families.

Prior to joining this project, Ventura assisted in coordinating and implementing local and statewide tobacco control projects at UCLA CHPR. She has also participated in community-based efforts that provide free health services and education to low-income, minoritized communities in Los Angeles.

Ventura is currently pursuing a Master of Public Health in the Community Health Sciences Department at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health. She received her bachelor’s degree in human biology and society from UCLA.

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Illustration of smoker exposing other tenants to secondhand smoke
Policy Brief
Policy Brief

Health at Risk: Policies Are Needed to End Cigarette, Marijuana, and E-Cigarette Secondhand Smoke in Multi-Unit Housing in Los Angeles

​Study focus: The proportion of Californians reporting exposure to secondhand smoke (SHS) from tobacco and marijuana and electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) vapor has grown over time, despite an increasing number of smoke-free local laws in the last 10 years. Residents of market-rate, privately owned multi-unit housing (MUH) — e.g., apartments — are particularly at risk of drifting SHS. Authors conducted a study of 4,800 tenants and 176 MUH owners in the city of Los Angeles in 2019.

They analyzed exposure to secondhand smoke in privately owned multi-unit housing, aggregating by race/ethnicity and by whether tenants have children or family members with chronic disease in the household; MUH tenant and owner attitudes toward smoke-free housing policies.

Findings: Forty-nine percent of tenants reported exposure to drifting SHS, including SHS from tobacco (39%), marijuana (36%), and e-cigarettes (9%). Tenants who lived with children and those who had lived or were living with someone who had a chronic health condition were significantly more likely to report exposure to drifting SHS. The vast majority of tenants and owners supported policies that restricted smoking in MUH, with most supporting tobacco and marijuana policies. Yet support for smoke-free policies was mixed with strong concerns about enforcement of such policies. Findings reveal the high level of SHS in MUH, gaps in existing voluntary smoke-free policies, and the need for a consistent implementation and enforcement plan to prevent exposure to SHS for all Los Angeles residents.

Illustration of smoker exposing other tenants to secondhand smoke
Policy Brief
Policy Brief

Health at Risk: Policies Are Needed to End Cigarette, Marijuana, and E-Cigarette Secondhand Smoke in Multi-Unit Housing in Los Angeles

​Study focus: The proportion of Californians reporting exposure to secondhand smoke (SHS) from tobacco and marijuana and electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) vapor has grown over time, despite an increasing number of smoke-free local laws in the last 10 years. Residents of market-rate, privately owned multi-unit housing (MUH) — e.g., apartments — are particularly at risk of drifting SHS. Authors conducted a study of 4,800 tenants and 176 MUH owners in the city of Los Angeles in 2019.

They analyzed exposure to secondhand smoke in privately owned multi-unit housing, aggregating by race/ethnicity and by whether tenants have children or family members with chronic disease in the household; MUH tenant and owner attitudes toward smoke-free housing policies.

Findings: Forty-nine percent of tenants reported exposure to drifting SHS, including SHS from tobacco (39%), marijuana (36%), and e-cigarettes (9%). Tenants who lived with children and those who had lived or were living with someone who had a chronic health condition were significantly more likely to report exposure to drifting SHS. The vast majority of tenants and owners supported policies that restricted smoking in MUH, with most supporting tobacco and marijuana policies. Yet support for smoke-free policies was mixed with strong concerns about enforcement of such policies. Findings reveal the high level of SHS in MUH, gaps in existing voluntary smoke-free policies, and the need for a consistent implementation and enforcement plan to prevent exposure to SHS for all Los Angeles residents.

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