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At the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, we are committed to putting data into the hands of people who need it. The California Health Interview Survey (CHIS), the nation's largest state health survey, is hosting a data user training webinar to demonstrate how to use CHIS' free online data tools to get data on a wide range of health topics across many sociodemographic factors.

The training will include:

AskCHIS™ Neighborhood Edition (NE): An online data dissemination and visualization platform that provides select health estimates at sub-county geographic regions. With AskCHIS™ NE, you can access and visualize authoritative health data at census tract, ZIP code, city, county, and legislative district levels.
 Now in Tableau with new data being released before the training!

AskCHIS™: an online health query system that allows you to search for health statistics on 100+ CHIS topics for your county, region, and the state.


Jacob Rosalez

Jacob Rosalez

Senior Public Administration Analyst, Data Dissemination
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