
Published Date: December 01, 2011
The proportion of nonelderly California women ages 18-64 with no health insurance coverage grew to nearly one in four between 2007 and 2009, the years right before and during the economic recession, according to a new policy brief from the Public Health Institute (PHI) that uses data from the 2009 California Health Interview Survey (CHIS). The brief is authored by Roberta Wyn, a Center faculty associate and PHI research consultant, and Elaine Zahnd, a senior research scientist at the PHI, which works with the Center in conducting CHIS. Funded by The California Wellness Foundation, the brief also found disparities in coverage and access across several groups of women and highlights the importance of health care reform to California women.   ​

Publication Authors:
  • Roberta Wyn, Ph.D.
  • Elaine Zahnd, PhD