Summary: This cross-sectional study explores the impact of structural and intermediary social determinants of health (SDoH) on Californian adults' mental health during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. Authors used data from the 2020 cycle of the California Health Interview Survey (CHIS). Using a general social determinant of health framework, authors used different survey questions to measure structural and intermediary determinants of mental health.
Findings: Mental health during the early phase of COVID-19 among adults in California was associated with age, gender, health conditions, delayed care, employment status (loss of job or reduced income) and discrimination. People in higher social strata were more likely to have better mental health for many of these factors. Authors conclude that material circumstances (such as employment status) and discrimination are associated with experiencing mental health issues among adults in California during COVID-19. Racism is a public health issue, and as nurses, addressing racism is critical. In addition, much work is needed to address SDoH to improve health outcomes, especially among marginalized populations.