
Published Date: November 07, 2015

​Authors examined the potential impact of California SB 1413 -- which required school districts to provide free, fresh drinking water during mealtimes in food service areas by July 1, 2011 -- on greater water consumption among California adolescents. Using 2012 and 2013 California Health Interview Survey data for 2,665 adolescents ages 12 to 17, the study found three-quarters of the adolescents reported their school provided free water at mealtime, mainly through drinking fountains. The study reports students in that  group were more likely to consume water than the students at schools which didn't provide water.

Publication Authors:
  • Laura M. Bogart
  • Susan H. Babey, PhD
  • Anisha I. Patel
  • Pan Wang, PhD
  • Mark A. Schuster