We examine…how policies impact immigrant health.

How do various policies in California affect the health and well-being of Asian and Latinx immigrants living in the state? The Research on Immigrant Health and State Policy (RIGHTS) Study was developed to understand the experiences that Asian and Latinx immigrants in California have as they seek health care, go to work and school, and engage in their communities.


A follow-up survey to the California Health Interview Survey (CHIS), the RIGHTS Study focused on 1,000 Asian and 1,000 Latinx immigrants statewide to understand their experiences dealing with health care, social services, employment, education, and law enforcement and how those experiences impacted their health and access to health care.

The RIGHTS Study was created by the late Steven P. Wallace, PhD, who served as principal investigator of RIGHTS and associate director at UCLA CHPR, and is funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD).

RIGHTS at a Glance


Latinx and Asian immigrants surveyed for the RIGHTS Study


in-depth qualitative interviews conducted