
Published Date: May 01, 2004
This report summarizes selected findings from the 2001 California Health Interview Survey. A broad range of health topics are addressed. The report is organized by topic area and shows findings in easy-to-read, uniform tables. For each topic, results are presented by gender, age group, race/ethnicity, income level, and health insurance status. Additional tables show findings for several Asian ethnic groups, and for both urban and rural American Indian/Alaska Natives. This report is an excellent public health reference for California and compares California's population to the relevant Healthy People 2010 Objectives established for the nation. In addition to this state-level report, corresponding county-level and regional-level tables are available online at the website for the California Health Interview Survey. These local data are presented in topics that match the publication for easy reference. 

Publication Authors:
  • Sue Holtby, MPH
  • Elaine Zahnd, PhD
  • Wei Yen
  • Nicole Lordi, MSc
  • Christy McCain
  • Charles A. DiSogra