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Research Report
The 2023 California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) Making an Impact report highlights the exciting work produced by CHIS this year — from brand new data to research, publications, events, and more.
Research Report
The 2023 California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) Making an Impact report highlights the exciting work produced by CHIS this year — from brand new data to research, publications, events, and more.
Research Report
We study the past and present to understand how to shape the future of health. Whether a researcher or advocate, a legislator or journalist, we all need credible information to do that work, and the right tools to access it.    The California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) is a source of credible data, and refining it is a constant. We added new questions this year on encounters with police, discrimination in health care settings, gun safety practices home, and more.
Research Report
We study the past and present to understand how to shape the future of health. Whether a researcher or advocate, a legislator or journalist, we all need credible information to do that work, and the right tools to access it.    The California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) is a source of credible data, and refining it is a constant. We added new questions this year on encounters with police, discrimination in health care settings, gun safety practices home, and more.
Research Report
The California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) 2021 Making an Impact report highlights the exciting work produced by CHIS in 2021 — from timely COVID-19 data on how Californians are continuing to navigate the pandemic’s conditions and challenges, to the many publications, events, presentations, data trainings, news stories, and more that have brought this data to the public. 2021 also marked a special CHIS milestone: our 20th anniversary.
Research Report
The California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) 2021 Making an Impact report highlights the exciting work produced by CHIS in 2021 — from timely COVID-19 data on how Californians are continuing to navigate the pandemic’s conditions and challenges, to the many publications, events, presentations, data trainings, news stories, and more that have brought this data to the public. 2021 also marked a special CHIS milestone: our 20th anniversary.
Research Report
2020 was a devastating year for our entire world — a year of challenges, of inequality, of loss. For public health, it was a year of upheaval and uncertainty, and a crucial call to action. At the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, we answered that call and delivered on our core mission: to improve the public’s health through high-quality, objective, and evidence-based research and data that informs effective policymaking.
Research Report
2020 was a devastating year for our entire world — a year of challenges, of inequality, of loss. For public health, it was a year of upheaval and uncertainty, and a crucial call to action. At the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, we answered that call and delivered on our core mission: to improve the public’s health through high-quality, objective, and evidence-based research and data that informs effective policymaking.
Research Report
2020 was a devastating year for our entire world — a year of challenges, of inequality, of loss. For public health, it was a year of upheaval and uncertainty, and a crucial call to action. At the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, we answered that call and delivered on our core mission: to improve the public’s health through high-quality, objective, and evidence-based research and data that informs effective policymaking.
Research Report
2020 was a devastating year for our entire world — a year of challenges, of inequality, of loss. For public health, it was a year of upheaval and uncertainty, and a crucial call to action. At the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, we answered that call and delivered on our core mission: to improve the public’s health through high-quality, objective, and evidence-based research and data that informs effective policymaking.