
Published Date: February 20, 2020

​Study focus: Determine the impact of data disaggregation on the ability to identify health disparities and needs for future research of Filipino, Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean adults in California.

Participants: Using available data for the above groups from the 2011-2017 California Health Interview Survey (CHIS).

Outcomes studied: Authors conducted bivariate and multivariable analyses to assess disparities in health conditions, outcomes, and service access compared with non-Hispanic Whites for Asians as an overall group and for each individual subgroup.

Findings: As an aggregate category, Asians appeared healthier than did non-Hispanic whites on most indicators. However, every Asian subgroup had at least one disparity disguised by aggregation, with Filipinos having the most disparities. Authors conclude that failure to disaggregate health data for individual Asian subgroups disguises disparities and leads to inaccurate conclusions about needs for interventions and research.

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