
Published Date: June 30, 2022

Summary: The California Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Health Behaviors and Attitudes on Tobacco is a report based on the California Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (NHPI) Tobacco Survey, which aims to provide estimates on tobacco use, other health behaviors associated with tobacco such as smoking cessation and exposure to tobacco secondhand smoke or secondhand vape as well as attitudes regarding tobacco use and tobacco control policies among surveyed NHPI adults in California. This report also provides estimates on marijuana use and co-use among surveyed NHPI adults in California. Estimates presented in this report are disaggregated by NHPI subgroups, sex, age groups, education level, and regions in California.

Findings: A large proportion of NHPI adults in this sample use tobacco products with 64.3% of NHPI adults surveyed reporting current use of tobacco products of any kind. A large proportion of NHPI young adults (ages 18 to 24) in this sample use tobacco products such as cigarettes, vaping products, and flavored tobacco products. A majority (52.3%) of current NPHI smokers in this sample indicated that they were more comfortable receiving tobacco cessation services at health organizations serving NHPI communities than health organizations that serve the general population. Almost all (92.6%) NHPI adults with less than a high school diploma in this sample are current smokers and many face substantial barriers to cessation. A large proportion (67.0%) of NHPI adults in this sample reported being exposed to tobacco secondhand smoke (SHS) or secondhand vape (SHV). There was strong agreement (76.6%) among NHPI adults that the sale of tobacco should be banned to anyone born after 2025.

This report is supported by the California Tobacco Control Program, California Department of Health. 

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