
Published Date: September 27, 2022

​Summary: Authors explore whether there are racial/ethnic differences in diabetes management and outcomes among adult health center (HC) patients with type 2 diabetes. Researchers analyzed data from the 2014 Health Center Patient Survey, a national sample of HC patients. They examined indicators of diabetes monitoring and care management. Authors also examined diabetes-specific outcomes and general outcomes.

Findings: Authors found racial/ethnic parity in A1C testing, eye doctor visits, and diabetes-specific outcomes. However, Hispanics/Latinos, non-Hispanic African Americans, and Asians were less likely to receive a cholesterol check than whites. Non-Hispanic African Americans were less likely to have frequent doctor visits, while Hispanic/Latino patients were less likely to receive an individual treatment plan.

HCs largely provide equitable diabetes care but have room for improvement in some indicators. Tailored efforts such as culturally competent care and health education for some racial/ethnic groups may be needed to improve diabetes management and outcomes.

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