
Are you looking for data on the health and health care needs of California's diverse population? You've come to the right place.

From beginner, intermediate, and expert trainings on how to find and use California Health Interview Survey data via our AskCHIS and AskCHIS Neighborhood Edition online health query tools, to workshops on advancing health equity through data disaggregation, the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research has various video and PDF training materials to help you get the information you need.

Our Work
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California Health Interview Survey (CHIS)
California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) Data User Training Webinar (2020)

CHIS hosted a 90-minute training webinar on how to use CHIS' free online data tools, including AskCHIS™, AskCHIS Neighborhood Edition™, and COVID-19 data dashboards, as well as preliminary monthly estimates from new COVID-19 questions in CHIS 2020.

  • 96 minutes
  • Beginner
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California Health Interview Survey (CHIS)
California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) Data User Training Webinar (2020)

CHIS hosted a 90-minute training webinar on how to use CHIS' free online data tools, including AskCHIS™, AskCHIS Neighborhood Edition™, and COVID-19 data dashboards, as well as preliminary monthly estimates from new COVID-19 questions in CHIS 2020.

  • 96 minutes
  • Beginner
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Data Disaggregation
User Experience Accessing Disaggregated Racial/Ethnic Data
This presentation reviews commonly used statistical disclosure limitation (SDL) techniques that are used to protect sensitive government data, demonstrates these techniques in practice, and shares several useful resources that the audience can refer to for further guidance on available techniques used to protect its data.
  • 85 minutes
  • Intermediate
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Data Disaggregation
Question Wording & Response Sets for Disaggregated Racial/Ethnic Data
Disaggregated race/ethnicity data is needed to expose health inequities and inform policies and programs to address those inequities. In this webinar, four researchers talk about data disaggregation and working with collecting data for populations in New York, one of the most diverse populations in the U.S. and in the world.
  • 88 minutes
  • Intermediate
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Data Disaggregation
Disaggregated Racial/Ethnic Data: Considerations for Data Collection and Processing
The workshop explores effective strategies to ensure your data represents the true diversity of your population. The discussion includes decision-making approaches, community engagement strategies, and opportunities to discuss specific project needs.
  • 98 minutes
  • Intermediate
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California Health Interview Survey (CHIS)
AskCHIS NE: How to Add Census Tracts
AskCHIS NE, a product of the California Health Interview Survey, provides health estimates for California's diverse population at the local level (census tracts, ZIP codes, and cities). Get estimates on top health indicators and produce tables, thematic maps, and bar charts for easy visualization.
  • 6 minutes
  • Intermediate
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California Health Interview Survey (CHIS), Health Disparities, Survey Statistics
2020 California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) Preliminary COVID-19 Monthly Estimates Dashboard

This seminar features the release of the preliminary monthly statewide estimates of COVID-19 questions in the California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) 2020 Preliminary COVID-19 Estimates Dashboard.

  • 6 minutes
  • Beginner
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California Health Interview Survey (CHIS)
COVID-19 Race/Ethnicity and Risk Factors Dashboard Tutorial

Since COVID-19 has illuminated alarming health disparities across racial and ethnic groups, the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research developed a dashboard that examines COVID-19 case and death rates in California by race/ethnicity, along with chronic or underlying health conditions.

  • 5 minutes
  • Intermediate
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California Health Interview Survey (CHIS)
Building Healthy Communities Health Profiles Dashboard
This tutorial guides you on how to use the Building Healthy Communities (BHC) Health Profiles dashboard to obtain the profile specific to your BHC community.
  • 13 minutes
  • Intermediate
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Aging and Older Adult Health, Mental Health
Improving California’s Behavioral Health Workforce for Older Adults

Researchers share study recommendations on how state policymakers, institutions, and county mental health/behavioral health departments and contracted providers can help improve state’s geriatric mental health care workforce and ensure that mental health care training that addresses the unique needs of older adults is a priority.

  • 43 minutes
  • Beginner