
Published Date: May 14, 2019

Using the 2015-2016 California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) dataset, this study aims to assess population-level characteristics associated with different types of internet use, particularly for seeking online health information. Internet use was classified as never used the internet (Never use), ever used the internet but not to search for health information in the last 12 months (Use not for health), and ever used the internet and have used it to search for health information in the last 12 months (Use for health).

  • Among 42,087 participants (weighted sample of 29,236,426), 19% reported Never Use of the internet, 27.9% reported Use not for health, and 53.1% reported Use for health. Compared to Never Use individuals, Use for health individuals were more likely to be younger, female, and non-Hispanic white and have a higher socioeconomic status.
  • Overall, characteristics for the Use not for health and Use for health groups were similar, except for those with lower levels of education and respondents not having visited a physician in the last year. For these two characteristics, the Use not for health group was more similar to the Never Use group.
These findings support the need for interventions to target internet access and health literacy among Never Use and Use not for health groups.  

Publication Authors:
  • Hena Naz Din
  • et al