
Published Date: October 07, 2019

​California’s Whole Person Care (WPC) Pilots implemented under the Section 1115 Medicaid Waiver, “Medi-Cal 2020,” are designed to coordinate medical, behavioral and social services to improve the health and well-being of Medicaid beneficiaries with complex needs. Authors examined literature on care coordination and developed a framework for assessing the progress of WPC Pilot implementation in eight key areas. Three years into the program, results show that WPC Pilots successfully implemented many essential care coordination processes, but they continued to further develop needed infrastructure. These findings highlight opportunities and challenges in implementing a cross-sector care coordination program for patients with complex health and social needs.

Publication Authors:
  • Emmeline Chuang, PhD
  • Brenna O'Masta, MPH
  • Elaine M. Albertson, MPH
  • Leigh Ann Haley, MPP
  • Connie Lu, MPH
  • Nadereh Pourat, PhD