Our Work
COVID-19 Dashboards
UCLA CHPR created tools and dashboards to track the impact of COVID-19 on Californians, including the CHIS COVID-19 Preliminary Monthly Estimates dashboard, COVID-19 Rates and Risk Factors by California County dashboard, and NHPI Data Policy Lab.
California Health Interview Survey (CHIS)
Data Access Center
The Data Access Center (DAC) provides services to analyze CHIS data in a secure, controlled environment that protects the confidentiality of respondents.Data Equity Center
The UCLA Center for Health Policy Research has launched the Data Equity Center, which focuses on equity in all aspects of the design, collection, production, and dissemination of population health data.
HEER Program
Dental Anesthesia and Sedation Study
The HEER Program was contracted by the California Department of Public Health Office of Oral Health to write a report for the legislature on dental anesthesia and sedation services across California.
Chronic Disease Program
More than 3.2 million adults in the state have diagnosed diabetes (primarily Type 2), and an additional 4.7 million have prediabetes. The Center has comprehensive data on diabetes, and has hosted events and conducted studies.E.R. Brown Symposium
The E.R. Brown Symposium, named after UCLA CHPR founder E. Richard "Rick" Brown, is an annual event that honors Rick Brown, who spent his life advocating for a health-care-for-all system that would ensure health services for every Californian.
Health Equity Program
Elder Index
The California Elder Economic Security Standard™ Index (CA Elder Index) is a tool that measures the actual cost that older adults pay for basic necessities (food, medical care, housing, transportation) in each of California's 58 counties.
HEER Program
Evaluation of CalAIM's PATH Initiative
UCLA CHPR’s Health Economics and Evaluation Research Program was contracted by California’s Department of Health Care Services to evaluate CalAIM’s Providing Access and Transforming Health (PATH) Initiative.
Health Equity Program
Food Insecurity
UCLA CHPR researchers conduct various studies on food insecurity. In 2022, Nourish California and CIPC used CHIS data to advocate for a Food4All bill to provide non-citizens without legal permanent resident status with access to food assistance.Gun Violence and Firearm Safety
The UCLA CHPR conducts research on gun violence as a public health issue. Current studies relate to firearm ownership, storage practices, perceptions of gun safety, and gun violence among understudied groups in California.Health DATA Program
The Health DATA Program hosts in-person and online workshops and trainings that help policymakers, community groups, health and advocacy organizations, and others understand and use credible health data in their program and policy development work.Health Economics and Evaluation Research (HEER) Program
The Health Economics and Evaluation Research (HEER) Program examines the economic and financial impacts of health care policies and programs.A
California Health Interview Survey (CHIS)
Chronic Disease Program
Health Equity Program
California Health Interview Survey (CHIS)
California Health Interview Survey (CHIS)
Chronic Disease Program
Chronic Disease Program
HEER Program
California Health Interview Survey (CHIS)
HEER Program
Chronic Disease Program
Health Equity Program
HEER Program
Health Equity Program
Health Equity Program
California Health Interview Survey (CHIS)
HEER Program
Health Equity Program
Health Equity Program
Health Equity Program
HEER Program
Health Equity Program
California Health Interview Survey (CHIS)
Chronic Disease Program
California Health Interview Survey (CHIS)
Chronic Disease Program
Health Insurance Program
HEER Program
HEER Program